• Cell groups / Home Groups
  • Weekly Prayer Meeting
  • Sunday School
  • Youth Groups
  • Christianity Explored Courses

Regular Activities and Events

Day Time Activity
Sunday 10:30 am Morning Gathering
Sunday 5:00 pm IT (S1-6 fortnightly during term time)
Sunday 6:30 pm Evening Gathering
Wednesday 1:00 pm Bible Study & Prayer Time (alternates fortnightly with Home Groups during term time)
Wednesday 7:30 pm Bible Study & Prayer Time (Alternates fortnightly with Home Groups during term time)

Information for Students

Student Contact: David & Katie Scott
Student Contact Phone: 07809 473 769
Student Contact Email: katie.scott5@outlook.com
Student Meeting: Sunday evenings after the service

Inshes East Church Inshes East Church We are happy to welcome students into the Inshes East church family. We don't have a dedicated ministry to students but there are regular opportunities to meet and engage with others of all ages, to grow in faith or to explore the Christian faith through our morning and evening Sunday Gatherings, involvement in midweek Home Groups and Prayer gatherings, as well as courses we run from time to time designed for those with questions about Christianity. There are also opportunities to serve in music, young people's work and other aspects of the church's work and witness. We love welcoming new people among us. We would love to meet you.

  • Leaders:

    Rev David Scott (Minister)

  • Congregation size:


Origin Scotland